Early modern age began with the discovery of America in 1492 and finished with the French Revolution in 1789.

In Spain The Catholic Monarchs were in Spain and it finished the Reconquista with the conquest ofGranada Kingdom.CATHOLIC MONARCHS (15th Century)

In 1469 King Fernando I de Aragón got married with Queen Isabel of Castilla and they became the CATHOLIC MONARCHS.  The union of these two kingdoms was the beginning of Spain as a unified state.

What do they do?

 The marriage between them increased the power.

 They reduce the power of the nobles and they ruled with the help of others.

 They conquered the Kingdom of Granada and ended with the Reconquista.

 They expanded kingdoms (Canary, Melilla, Navarra…)

 They gave money to Christopher Columbus for the voyage to discover America.

Fernando and Isabel were intolerant with other religions, they wanted that all the kingdoms had thesame religion. They established the INQUISITION in 1478.The inquisition was an organization with special powers to find people who weren´t catholic. Theyarrested and interrogated people, in some cases they killed them.In 1492 they expelled JEWISH people, they have to convert to Catholicism or leave their kingdoms.


During Early Modern Age many European explorers made voyages to different places to discover andconquer new lands.

 In 1492 Christopher Colombus went on a voyage from Spain to find a western route to Asia, helanded on the Caribbean islands and he discovered America.

 In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to sail the Pacific Ocean. He crossed theAtlantic Ocean, sailed around South America and crossed the Pacific Ocean. He arrived in thePhilippines and he was killed there. Juan Sebastian El Cano took the expedition and arrived inSpain in 1522.

 Hernán Cortes was a conqueror who went to Mexico in 1519. He took control of to the Aztecs.

 Francisco Pizarro was a conqueror who went to Peru in 1532. He took control of the Incaemperor.


 They learnt about world geography thanks to the sea routes.

 Spain became a powerful and rich empire.

 New products were introduced in Spain: potato, cocoa… Europeans introduced slavery to America.

 Europeans introduced new diseases.

 HAPSBURGS DYNASTY (16th and 17th Centuries)

After the Catholic Monarchs during the 15th Century, started the Hapsburgs Dynasty during the 16th and 17th Century. 

  • Felipe I: was married with Juana la Loca (daughter of Catholic Monarchs and Queen of Castilla). Felipe I was king of Spain in 1506-1516.
  • Carlos I (1516-1556)was Felipe I´s son and the first Hapsburg Kings of Spain. In Spain, people didn´t want him because he didn´t speak Spanish and it caused Comunero Revolt.
  • Felipe II (1556-1598)He was Carlos I´s son(el Prudente). He won different wars against France and the Ottoman Empire. He was defeated when he tried to invade England.
  • Felipe III (1598-1621) he was Felipe II´s son (el Piadoso). He left the power to validos:Duque de Lerma. He expelled muslims converted to christians.
  • Felipe IV(1621-1665)he was Felipe III´s son (Rey Planeta). He was king when he was 16 years old. He left the power in the valido:El conde duque de Olivares.
  • Carlos II (1655-1700)He was Felipe VI´s son (el Hechizado). Economical crisis and wars. He didn´t have any heirs so it started the WAR of the Spanish Sucession in1701.


During these centuries two new artistic styles appeared: RENAISSANCE and BAROQUE. 

RENAISSANCE (15TH and 16th Centuries) 

  • It started in Italy and spread to Spain during the Catholic Monarchs reign.
  • It was inspired in Ancient Greek and Roman art.
  • It used perspective and the human body looked realistic.

 BAROQUE (17th and 18th Centuries) 

  • It was promoted by the Catholic church.
  • It used curved lines and decoration.
  • It mixed light and shadows.
  • It expressed emotions.


Golden Age was the period during 16th and 17th century with many great artists and writers in Spain. 16th century 

  • El Greco: famous Greek painter.
  • Garcilaso de la Vega: famous writer.

 17th century 

  • Murillo: famous painter, he painted religious paintings.
  • Velazquez: famous painter, he painted Las meninas
  • Cervantes: famous writer, he wrote El Quijote.
  • Lope de Vega: famous writer, he wrote Fuenteovejuna
  • Tirso de Molina: famous writer, he wrote El burlador de Sevilla.