The total population is the number of people that live in a place. To know the population we use:
Population density is the number of people living in each square kilometer of an area.
POPULATION CHANGES Population changes a lot due to many factors such as:
The natural change in population is the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths. If there are more births the population increases and if there are more deaths the population decreases.
Net migration is the difference between the total number of emigrants and the total number of immigrants. When the number of immigrants is higher there is a positive net migration and the population increases, and when the number of emigrants is higher there is a negative net migration and the population decreases. POPULATION GROUPS We can divide population according to different factors:
HOW WE REPRESENT POPULATION We can use charts and graphs.
The total population of Spain is 46.5 million people.
Population density: Spain has a low average population density. It is 92 inhabitants per km2.
Population density is higher in big cities and coastal areas, and it is lower in rural areas.
The urban population is the 80% of the population and 20% is rural population.
Fertility rate: Spain has a low fertility rate. The fertility rate is 1.3 children per woman. The average life expectance in Spain is 85.9 years. In Spain there are more females (51%) than males(49%). And there are more older people that young people, that means that there are more retired people than people working and this will cause problems. And also, there is a positive net migration, the immigrants make an 11% of the population.
The total population of Europe is 738 million people. It is about 10% of the population of the world.
Population density: It is 117 inhabitants per km2. The urban population is the 75% of the population.
Fertility rate: The fertility rate is 1.6 children per woman. The average life expectance in Europe is 83.3 years for women and 77.9. years for men. In Europe there are more females (52%) than males(48%).
And there are more older people that young people. It is an ageing population.